Tag Archive: Higher Unlearning


Are you upset that you didn’t get to attend the conference this year? While you missed on the powerful conversations we had as a collective, you will soon be able to watch the talks delivered by our speakers and performers! Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming weeks as we prepare to share the work of our amazing friends with the rest of the world!

Click Here for an interactive list of the speakers and spoken word artists from What Makes A Man 2012

In the meantime, join us as we continue the discussions at Higher Unlearning, a new online blogspace features discussions of men and masculinity! Some of Jeff Perera’s older pieces are up including his latest ‘Chris Brown and The Sounds Of Young Men in Free Fall’ (This article is also up in the Good Men Project magazine)


Come hear Abby Davis and Laura Darcy speak on the most important part of a movement:
The 1st Follower at WMAM 2012: “

Abby and Laura’s campaign ‘Be The First’  is powered by their joint presentation that creates awareness of the importance of following a movement. Their interactive talk will be just before our morning keynote with the ultimate example of the power of the follower in spreading a message across the world: Slutwalk Toronto.

Abby Davis and Laura Darcy are both currently students at Ryerson University. Abby is in her 4th year of Social Work and Laura is currently in her 3rd year of Photography. Abby and Laura have worked together for the past 2 years as student leaders living in residence on campus. Through their experiences as student leaders they have begun to view leadership differently as they have noticed a greater need for more people to learn how to follow. They look to highlight the positive aspects of being a follower instead of focusing on the negative connotations. Abby and Laura want to bring awareness to the significance and impact the supporting role can play in a movement.

Follow the The 1st Follower: ‘Be The First’ is on Twitter


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th and join Abby & Laura as well as the many other speakers at a discussion-focused conference looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*


Good things DO grow in Ontario! Join us as we welcome Slutwalk Toronto to the 2nd annual discussion-focused White Ribbon Conference!

“What began as a reaction to one comment, a reaction that we had originally imagined only to include a handful of our closest friends, exploded into a kind of movement that we never could have expected.” Slutwalk was born and started with Slutwalk Toronto. A movement born in Ontario, that is inspiring change worldwide is one of the things the White Ribbon Campaign and Slutwalk Toronto have in common, Another thing in common is a goal to shift the conversation: Victim Blaming is not the answer to create a world with violence against women and girls.

We are excited to have the Slutwalk TO team join us at the What Makes a Man ‘Higher Unlearning’ the 2012 White Ribbon Conference!

Get to know the SlutWalk TO team at make plans to join them for their interactive discussion keynote at the 2nd annual White Ribbon Conference!

photo from http://torontogp.blogspot.com

Heather Jarvis SlutWalk Co-Founder / Organizer

Heather Jarvis is a queer, sex- and body-positive feminist. With experience in women and gender studies, social work and community activism she was furious upon hearing a representative of the police slut-shame survivors and people at risk of sexual assault. Not entirely shocked by the incident, Jarvis believes we should be beyond the myths of people ‘asking’ or ‘deserving’ to be assaulted due to their behaviour or appearance. As a survivor and advocate for empowerment, Jarvis constantly aims to shed shame around sex and sexuality. She feels we deserve safe streets and a supportive justice system.  Described as an eternal optimist by some who know her, Heather Jarvis refuses to believe things cannot change. She is determined to continuously work on improving this world through increased respect, consent, understanding and acceptance.


Colleen Westendorf Communications Coordinator / Organizer

When Colleen Westendorf saw SlutWalk’s ‘Because We’ve Had Enough’ banner on their website- she was on board faster than you can say ‘Slut’. Colleen joined the SlutWalk Toronto team shortly after participating in the inaugural Toronto SlutWalk. Though she believes that he meant well, to her Michael Sanguinetti’s now-infamous comment was our rape-condoning culture in a single sound bite. Colleen is certain that so long as we live in a world where victims are exhaustively held to standard for their actions in relation to rape, an act that is by definition a complete override of their will and personal agency, she doesn’t live in a world where she or anyone else is safe from sexual violence.

Colleen works in Communications in the Not-for-Profit sector, and is by trade a writer. She also volunteers for a pro-choice, LGBTQ-positive sexual health clinic as a sex educator and is committed to sex-positivity and sexual and reproductive health rights as fundamental human rights. As a newcomer to activism and community organizing, she’s learning as she goes – and so grateful for everything she’s getting out of the process.

To borrow a phrase from Eve Ensler, a personal hero of hers, Colleen believes the mission of SlutWalk and anti-violence movements everywhere will continue to have relevance ‘Until the Violence Stops’- and until we truly reach a point of zero tolerance for sexual violence. She’s in a mad rush for us to get there.

You can follow her on twitter here.

Raisa Bhuiyan Outreach Coordinator

Raisa Bhuiyan is an enthusiast, particularly of gritty grassroots activism and events that bring people together to mobilize against painstakingly dangerous social norms. She’s also harbouring a pathological fear of biographies, especially the type that has to be typed out in a box.

But if you really wanna know, do know that she squirted out the 2% milk she was drinking right through her nose when she heard about the don’t-dress-like-a-slut-suggestion that a Toronto Police officer made on her campus.

At the moment, Raisa is ridiculously excited about how communities of people have become energized enough to open up a space for a much needed conversation on how the integration of different strategies and different hystories can help SlutWalk better engage with the new paradigms of feminist organizing.

Slutwalk Toronto asks you to join them in their mission to spread the word that those those who experience sexual assault are not the ones at fault, without exception.

Visit SlutWalk TO’s website

Like the Slutwalk TO Facebook page 

Follow Slutwalk TO on Twitter 



Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th and join Heather, Colleen, Raisa and the many other speakers at a discussion-focused conference looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*



Come hear Derek share and discuss what it means to ‘Act like a Man’ at the 2nd annual White Ribbon conference!

Comedian & Activist Derek Forgie is the founder and Chair of the Heterosexuals for Same Sex Equality.  The HSSE’s mandate is to bring a message of acceptance and understanding to society, by correcting misinformation and cultural myths which negatively affect civil rights surrounding same-sex issues.   Students and teachers from across the province find the HSSE’s Equality Check – Better. Now.”  presentation to be accessible, uplifting and relevant to their schools commitment to safety, inclusion and character development.


Their most recent short film “Are You A Man?” targets homophobic straight men directly and is enjoying an impressive viral life on-line.  To watch it, (and learn more) visit: StraightNotNarrow.ca


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th . Join Derek and many other speakers at a discussion-focused event looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*






Join Jared Walker for his talk entitled “What Makes a Black Man President?” at
What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Jared A. Walker is an unrepentant political junkie. He is a fierce believer that democratic government mirrors a community’s values, priorities and togetherness, and is at turns fearful and hopeful about what our politics says about us as a people.

For the duration of the 2008 presidential elections in the US, Jared served as the New York State Coordinator of ‘Students for Barack Obama‘ – the official student arm of the ‘Obama for America’ campaign. In 2009, he completed his BA in Political Science at Columbia University.

Shortly thereafter, Jared worked as a Program Coordinator at iMapAmerica , a national youth advocacy non-profit based in New York. There he drafted and spearheaded the OneVote program which promoted civic education and involvement in the large percentage of American high schools where it is not part of the curriculum. He also worked on iMapAmerica’s community mapping pilot project in New Orleans, which empowered local youth to be a part of the revitalization of their communities after Hurricane Katrina by creating an interactive online resource guide.

Partnering with members of NYRA (the National Youth Rights Association), Jared co-founded ‘ycivics’, a social-media based program designed to maintain youth political involvement in the wake of the 2008 election euphoria. Before returning from the other side of the 45th parallel he travelled to Stockholm in order to be the Keynote Speaker for the ‘Engagemang 2010’ Conference on Social Media, Youth & Political Engagement.

Since moving home to Toronto in 2010, Jared has worked as a consultant with a diverse group of non-profits ranging from small community theatres & arts collectives to national health foundations, pharmaceutical firms & small international development charities. In December, he traveled to Arusha, Tanzania along with Strategies for Life – an international aid charity.

Twitter: @JAWalker
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jaredawalker


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th . Join Jared and many other speakers at a discussion-focused event looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*


Shihan returns to Ryerson University and Toronto, Canada!

So what will Shihan be doing at the 2nd annual What Makes A Man 2012 White Ribbon Conference?

Shihan will be hanging out with us all day joining in discussions and performing during the conference before delivering the electrifying & interactive keynote performance! To get a taste of what awaits, check out this video by Lovehard from the first time Shihan Van Clief joined Ryerson White Ribbon Campaign’s Jeff Perera at a UHHU event in Jan 2011.


‘What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference’  is a discussion-focused conference looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’. It will be more of an ‘anti-conference’ as speakers are invited to complete the statement ‘what makes a man’ with a 5 minute casual talk (not an academic lecture) that sparks dialogue and conversation. Our facilitator then includes the audience in further dialogue for 15-20 minutes.  We have invited speakers who’s voice will provide great contributions to a casual discussion of how manhood, masculinity and gender are created and enforced in society.


Shihan grew up in New York’s Lower East Side and began his writing career in 1989, which he used to get a scholarship to Williston North Hampton School for Creative Writing. After signing with MGA Records in 1993, Shihan wrote for the video game NBA Jam Session series and the theme for Reebok’s “Blacktop” campaign. The first poet to be named iTunes “Download of the week,” Shihan was also a part of the writing and performing for MTV’s Rock the Vote campaign and Schoolhouse Rocks videos.  


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th . Join Shihan and all our speakers at a discussion-focused event looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference
Saturday February 11th

11am– 4pm
5:30pm Keynote event with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*


Come join us to listen, reflect, respond and react with the incredible Kim Crosby
at the 2nd annual White Ribbon Conference

We are very excited to have Kim Crosby lead us through a Yoga break as well as guide us through a powerful & personal discussion at the 2nd annual What Makes A Man 2012 White Ribbon Conference. Not to be missed: the theme of ‘Higher Unlearning’ continues! Make sure you don’t miss this powerful speaker!


My political obligations? I am a Black woman … in world that defines human as white and male for starters. Everything I do including survival is political.” ~Audre Lorde

 Kim Crosby is a daughter of the diaspora, Arawak, West African, Indian and Dutch, hailing from Trinidad and living currently in Toronto.

She completed her artist residency under D’bi Young at the AnitAfrika Theatre and also was a student of the Buddies In Bad Times Young Creator’s Unit, touring internationally with her one womyn play, “Hands In My Cunt” a biomythographical account of her resistance and experience of sexual violence.

In 2009 she was the Youthline Award Winner for “Outstanding Contribution To Community Empowerment”. In 2010 she was named one of YSEC’s 100 Young Changemakers while also being recognized in Canada’s Northern Lights Exhibition: Celebrating African Canadian Stories. In 2011, she was recognized as one of 12 of the City Of Toronto’s Cultural Champions among such brilliant activists as Lillian Allen.

She has spoken on panels and conferences nationally as well as facilitated radical community dialogues including Queer As Black Folk hosted by The Black Daddies Club and was the keynote speaker at the 2011 Unity Conference. Her writing and her voice has been featured in the Toronto Star, The Huffington Post, George Brown University textbooks as well as Autostraddle and her writing can be found at queergiftedblack.blogspot.com

 Supporting the creation of community arts and allocation of resources, she sits on the boards of Artreach, Mayworks, the Toronto Arts Council and most recently the Rhubarb selection committee. She also regularly curates and co-curates events and exhibits including the annual Gender Exhibition in Toronto.

 Kim is a core member of the nationally touring Lesbian Blues group, a collective of Black Queer Folks committed to decolonization through creative political performance as well as T-Dot Renaissance, a wave of cultural and artistic collaborations for this generation of emerging artists of colour.

 Kim is the co-founder and co-director of  The People Project. Awarded the City Of Toronto’s Vital Ideas award in 2010, TPP is a movement of queer and trans folks of color and our allies, committed to individual and community empowerment through alternative education, activism and collaboration.

Through her work at The People Project, she has consulted and supported organizations the world over including Brown Boi Project, The Harmony Movement, The Grassroots Youth Collaborative, Stolen From Africa as well as the Toronto District School Board and The City Of Toronto Cultural Arts Division. In this work she has developed and co-developed over 50 distinct resources and tools as well as delivered over 150 workshops around race, gender, power, privilege, consent, creation, food and entrepreneurship.

She is also a co-founder of the New York based ‘The Brown Grrlz Project’, a collective dedicated to the advancement of “femme of centre” cis womyn, two-spirit people, intersex people and trans womyn.

In over a decade of community organizing, she has worked across the intersections of oppression in food justice, HIV activism as well as race & gender justice. She is also a yoga teacher teaching through the Brown Girl’s Yoga collective.

 She is inspired, honoured and driven by the incredible work of community activists past and present including Punam Kholsla, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Mia Mingus and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha.


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th . Join Kim and many other speakers at a discussion-focused event looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*


Come see Britta B perform at the 2nd annual White Ribbon Conference at Ryerson University!

Britta “Britta B.” Badour is a fearless young woman and poet now residing in Toronto, Canada. Writing poetry ever since she learned to spell her name, Britta believes that sharing her art is the best way to be honest and informative about the issues she is most passionate about. When she was younger, Britta found herself trapped without a voice to speak out against the troubles she was facing both at home and at school. She expresses herself through poetry, hoping to be the role model she never had growing up.

Britta has travelled across North America as a keynote motivational speaker, speaking to thousands of people about the power of how “using your voice can change the world.” In 2010, she spent the summer building a school in Kenya, Africa. Most recently, Britta featured at the Nuyorican Cafe, in New York City, as a showcase opener for HBO’s Def Poetry superstar Carlos Andrés Gómez. This May, she will be featured in her first headliner at Mike Geffner’s Inspired Word showcase, in Manhattan, New York.

She is a leader, youth activist, and a woman with words.


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th and join Heather and many other speakers at a discussion-focused conference looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*


photo from http://torontogp.blogspot.com

We are excited to have the Slutwalk TO team at WMAM 2012 ‘Higher Unlearning’!
Join us for a conversation with Heather Jarvis and the SlutWalk TO team at the 2nd annual White Ribbon Conference!

Heather Jarvis is a queer, sex- and body-positive feminist. With experience in women and gender studies, social work and community activism she was furious upon hearing a representative of the police slut-shame survivors and people at risk of sexual assault. Not entirely shocked by the incident, Jarvis believes we should be beyond the myths of people ‘asking’ or ‘deserving’ to be assaulted due to their behaviour or appearance. As a survivor and advocate for empowerment, Jarvis constantly aims to shed shame around sex and sexuality. She feels we deserve safe streets and a supportive justice system.  Described as an eternal optimist by some who know her, Heather Jarvis refuses to believe things cannot change. She is determined to continuously work on improving this world through increased respect, consent, understanding and acceptance.

Slutwalk Toronto asks you to join them in their mission to spread the word that those those who experience sexual assault are not the ones at fault, without exception.

Visit SlutWalk TO’s website

Like the Slutwalk TO Facebook page 

Follow Slutwalk TO on Twitter 


Come out to What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference on Saturday February 11th and join Heather and many other speakers at a discussion-focused conference looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning:
The 2012 White Ribbon Conference

Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*


A discussion-focused conference looking at the spectrum of identities, experiences and realities that determine ‘What Makes a Man’.

Poster design by Dennis Lieu www.dennislieu.com
Logo design by Astrid Arijanto  www.astridarijanto.carbonmade.com

The ‘What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference’ is discussion-focused day, where speakers give a short 5-10 minute talks in a living-room-vibe environment to spark a 15 minute dialogue with the audience. We go from speaker to speaker in a buffet of discussions around how gender & gender constructs/pressures affect various aspects of our life and experiences.

What Makes A Man. Higher Unlearning: The 2012 White Ribbon Conference
Saturday February 11th

ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre.
245 Church St. (South/East corner of Church St and Gould St.)
Ryerson University

11:00am – Morning Session begins
12:20pm – Lunch Break
1:20pm – Afternoon session begins
4:30pm – Dinner Break
5:45pm – Evening session with SHIHAN

ADMISSION $10 (or pay what you can)
Lunch provided by Salad King.
*All proceeds go to the White Ribbon Campaign*
Visit www.whatmakesman2012.wordpress.com for more details